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A member registered Jan 10, 2019

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Really loved this! Found all the crystals...but it didn't seem to do anything? Hope you do a bigger game with these mechanics later, it was a lot of fun!

Okay, the handicaps look interesting - not going to lie XD Getting reactions from your opponents as you beat them senseless with all your handicaps, even more so XD Lin Lin is going to have a harder time living down her shame after this update.

(speaking of which, have you thought about expanding some of your less used characters? not now - you're still working towards endgame and re-adding the previous content, and I get that. But eventually, I'd like to get some more depth. Like, Lin Lin is fun, helps you out, and is a martial artist masseuse. Cool - what's she like on a date? what's she afraid of? what drives her? How about Sammy? Does she like owning the bath? Why did she take up sparring - and who got her into it? What are her dreams? That sort of thing. it's nothing critical, obviously, but given the options at the end of Lust Doll, I've always been a bit curious about the "other" people in the MC's life. )

First "How To Find Kitty" - Go to the nightclub on the middle level of the city (not the slums) and be a bouncer there. Do that a couple times, and be STRONK! at it. you get a chance, at random I'm pretty sure, to save a cute girl who immediately hits on you. that's Kitty. 
Given various aspects of the character, 2 of your no options could be blocking you from meeting her, though. 
Honestly, given what she does and how she's written, you aren't missing too much not meeting her at this point - no dig to those that like her, but she does not have a lot of content as of yet, and it makes her a much more limited character than some of the others. I'm sure she'll be better in the future - Indivi is really good at this XD - but that's for later.

Well, this was properly adorable and just a bit sad in a good way. nice work!

A few things - playing on PC - can't load a save from the starting main menu. So I had to start a new game, and then load in after the skip. not a big deal, but a bit annoying. Which brings up the next glitch - when you load in from the skip, the "go other places" option on the HUD is visible - not usable, of course, nowhere else to go - but it caught me off guard the first time. Last thing - because the health, magic, and lust bars aren't numbered anywhere, it's hard to understand what leveling up does, exactly. After 5 levels, it certainly felt like Linda was more durable in general, but only barely in several fights (the slimes felt like they were leveling with me, frankly, and were no easier or harder to beat at any given level, and the rope using kobold is always a menace, though he was a occasionally beatable one after the 4th level.)
Using spells to encourage enemy behavior is a very interesting element to strategy, so kudos for that. Setting armor to determine statistics is also interesting - but it also felt a little limiting. depending on how you want the game to progress, it might be a good idea to tweak stats to be "relative" rather than absolute, or trainable, perhaps? like, wear an outfit for an entire level, it gets a hidden +1 mastery, which does something - either hand coded (like level 1 mastery in the rags gets you +5 Sexy, lv 2 is +1 defense, and level max is +5 sexy), or functional - like [each level in the rags adds +1 Defense, +10%*character level Sexy, +5% Resistance, rags level caps at 3]. (I'm assuming the Stat Blocks are worth something like 5 or 10 points a piece, so +3 Defense isn't even a full block). This is mostly so that monsters you are over-level to can be dispatched relatively quickly if the player wants to.

The only thing I'd add, if  you do keep the chain/grapple mechanics, is that it needs to be easier to pick what you want to attach to. 

so, what is the difference between this and the demo?

I love that so many people are just permanently wearing ropes XD I mean, bugs are bad and all, but it shows how many people are using that feature XD

I look forward to you finishing up that route the most. Several of my favorite scenes get unlocked as part of it.

Thank you for making such a fun and awesome game XD

Had problems with the mask/human fight, too. I couldn't actually get any item to activate - it just took me a while to figure that out -.- 
c'est la vie XD
What I kept doing was use 'z' to activate a picked item, but I could only get things to work by using the 'enter' button instead. I'm not sure that was as intended or not, but it was fairly confusing.